28 March 2010

The Beatles - The Red Light's On #01

The Beatles - The Red Light's On Vol. 01


1. How Do You Do It - Take 2
2. There's A Place - Take 1
3. There's A Place - Take 2
4. There's A Place - Takes 3+4
5. There's A Place - Takes 5+6
6. There's A Place - Takes 7+8
7. There's A Place - Take 9
8. There's A Place - Take 10
9. I Saw Her Standing There - Take 1
10. I Saw Her Standing There - Take 2
11. I Saw Her Standing There - Take 3
12. I Saw Her Standing There - Take 4
13. I Saw Her Standing There - Take 5
14. I Saw Her Standing There - Takes 6-9
15. Do You Want To Know A Secret - Take 7
16. Do You Want To Know A Secret - Take 8
17. A Taste of Honey - Take 6
18. A Taste of Honey - Take 7
19. There's A Place - Take 11
20. There's A Place - Takes 12+13
21. I Saw Her Standing There - Take 10
22. I Saw Her Standing There - Takes 11+12
23. Misery - Take 1
24. Misery - Takes 2-6
25. Misery - Take 7
26. Misery - Take 8
27. From Me To You - Takes 1+2
28. From Me To You - Take 3
29. From Me To You - Take 4
30. From Me To You - Take 5
31. From Me To You - Takes 6+7
32. From Me To You - Take 8 Announcement
33. From Me To You - Master Edit From Takes 12+8-10
34. From Me To You - Take 8 Remnants
35. From Me To You - Take 9 Remnant
36. From Me To You - Take 10 Remnanat
37. From Me To You - Take 11
38. From Me To You - Take 12 Remnant
39. From Me To You - Take 13
40. From Me To You - Master Edit, Barrett Mix
41. From Me To You - Edit of Takes 8-10

front cover only
password: bootlegtunzworld


  1. Brilliant Dino. Fantastic quality. Can't wait to download the rest.

  2. Stunning, prefab 4 gems
    much appreciated



[nothing here is answered.....all these posts have been moved to new addy. ignore this blog]