12 February 2011


OK  >>     I normally do not write much in my posts, I stay with the music info usually & the download links. But, I must say I am getting very tired of "comments or emails" from folks saying I am stupid, or making their life miserable, or bait & switch, or I have no idea how to run a blog to make it the easiest way possible for you to download FREE music.

So let me tell you once & for all [yeah right!] what the heck is going on & what TUNZ WORLD is exactly, so those of you who are selfish, lazy & stupid might grasp this super hard concept.  And you can leave me alone with your petty & ignorant comments.

If you haven't bookmarked or even been to http://bootlegtunzworld.org & seen the webpage with the above information & link-thru's on it yet.......here it is again......

Now do you see THREE pictures?

That is a very, very large clue that Tunz World has 3 areas to it.  Let's see now, there is the google blog [where Tunz World started & is our Archive Area], there is a radio station, and there is a Community Area.  The Community Area requires registration & login to be able to post & see links, the reason for this to keep spam-bots from posting porn on the forum & hotlinking all over the internet & getting our links deleted.  [which takes hours to re-upload]

There will be "updates" and regular posts at the blog linking to the Community Area, which requires login to see links, if any.  This IS NOT "bait & switch", unless you consider baiting you from one free area to another free area a bad thing.

This is ALL one site!  I know you are not used to change.....I know you want us to be just like "every other" simple blog out there on the internet posting free music for you to download.  But we are not & will not be like everyone else.  Period.  Can't you tell that when you visit our blog we aren't like everyone else?  Is it that hard to grasp?  Is it that hard for you to take a minute or two to register, is it that hard to say "THANK YOU", is it that hard to realize I may know what the fuck I am doing..........after all I've only spent hours & hours, day after day, four years so far building this music site?  Do you think I am that stupid that I do not know what I am doing?  3,000 quality sounding bootlegs posted for YOU for FREE......and it is too much trouble for you to pay attention to what has been built for YOUR BENEFIT?????


Well next time you want to leave a comment for me complaining about how miserable your life is because you have to waste a few seconds logging into an area of our website, not caring about the endless hours I spent building & posting all this for you to have for FREE.......do me a small favor, type your complaint up but instead of posting it, print it out and then take it and shove it up your fucking ass!

And after you've made an ass-sandwich out of your opinions, please leave my site and do not come back.......we don't need or want you hanging around.


Shawn said...

Preach it, Brother. Love what you do, personally. Thank you!

Andy said...

You go, baby!

coponen said...

THANK YOU! I have nor will I ever say bad things about this blog. This is FANTASTIC!

Anonymous said...

Blah Blah Blah...

Anonymous said...

Well Stated Dino!


AZ Jones said...

Well Dino. It is what it is. There will always be some ungrateful person who finds the fault instead of the blessing in life. Glass half empty or glass half full? Dino you have one of the best user friendly and cool blogs on the entire web. I'm not into the girl pictures but thats my thing not yours. Keep being true to you and don't listen to the detractors. Love the Community area and the Archive area and think it is just more of a good thing. Thanks! And thanks for helping me get my blog started.
AZ Jones

Charles said...

Hey, I appreciate your posts! Don't let some idiots get you down.

grifftrain said...

You know you got a great blog and I hope most people know it too. The ones who dont, well, its their loss. I hope you keep up the good work because i know I sure as heck appreciate this blog. Those who dont, well, you dont need them!

Anonymous said...

Peace Brothers,don t mention any comment good or bad ever again,just remember one thing:
Dino runs one of the five top blogs in the world at the momment so BE GRATEFUL , SAY THANKS and BLESS HIM for the very hard work doin here.
Gratefuly Yours Dino

La Piazza Gancio said...

As someone who has spent the vast majority of their career working with people, I remain slack-jawed in utter astonishment at what people will complain about, and what makes them feel put-upon.

That's slack-jawed. In utter astonishment.

As you no doubt are now also.

From the rest of us, thank you for your site and for sharing your obvious enthusiasm for music.

rover108 said...

Dude, you're the best. I just hope the comments of support make up a tiny bit for the idiots who have to bring everyone down to their pathetic level.

David A. said...

hello Dino,firstly thank you so much for what you bring to so many people.i cannot understand why anyone would be horrid to you.you bring joy with fantastic music and enrich lives in the process.hopefully the non appreciators will go away!keep doing what you do so well and know that you are appreciated by so many. David A.

Anonymous said...

But it's so much easier to treat your hard work as my inalienable right! And I sure do miss having to shell out twenty bucks for a CDR boot that turns out to be a piece of shit....oh wait, those things suck and I'm an idiot.

Butch said...

keep up the great work. your efforts and time are greatly appreciated.

aikin said...

haters gonna hate.

I agree with the others, Dino - pay no attention to the a-holes. People are always going to find something to complain about. You're doing a great job.

Tunz Master said...


Anonymous said...
Sorry. I'd been drinking and I became frustrated with the technical rig-a-maroll and got pissed off. You have a very nice little blog here and you put a lot of time into it as anyone can clearly see. Again, I am most apologetic. It'll never happen again.
As far as my name... what do you need my name for? For what purpose? An ambush or a drive-by perhaps?

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2011 2:19:00 PM

Tunz Master said...
I accept ur apology, thank you & I understand if you were drunk, been there done that :)

it isn't just you, I get this ALL the time, it's relentless sometimes & it's hurtful to be honest.

when you put so much time & sweat into something that is for others & they complain......it just really, really bothers ya.

I have this music already for the most part, I am "sharing". I also have a woman at this end complaining sometimes i'm on the computer too much, but I keep doing it to give freely because it's fun & people have to bitch??? it finally wore me down & I bitched back.

as far as "Anonymous" & commenting on ur name.....my only point was it's always "Anonymous" that complains....never a Bill or Tom or Sally Sue???

No I don't do drivebys LMAO I'm white & in the burbs.....

"thank you" again for actually coming back and apologizing. but, it is still one out of how many?

Anonymous said...

Dang. Some people are just ungrateful! They should just ride the bus and stay of the road.

I sincerely appreciate EVERYTHING you do on this site! Keep up the GREAT work!

Anonymous said...

Tunz World is my favorite music site period. I have it set as my home page so when log on the internet the first thing I get is updates from this site. Dino you rock and all your hard work is very evident and appreciated. Thank you very much!

Anonymous said...

Take it easy, man, and keep going!
We know anything you do, you do your best!
Nevermind those who can´t identify a very good job when they see it.
And greetings from Brazil!
Thank you!

Pixito said...

hey Dino passing away this coments of fool people. keep on rockin´man and thanks for your amazing post and your wonderful site.

Ralph Dodger said...

I love your work! Long may you continue!!

Marble said...

Thanks Dino. I for one look in every day

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dino for all that you are doing for bootlegs lovers
Your Anger is right
People are unbelievable always keen to critisize
Go ahead

Anonymous said...

Greetz from Holland... When I think of the hours of just spent exploring your blog-site... I imagine the time you put into it making it all for us !!!
It's worth a really ment big Thanks !!!
Keep on the good work.. We love you out here !!

Corné (outlaw99)

Anonymous said...

Dino, I just wanna thank you for what you do on your site. Some people tend to forget that most of these concerts would have cost around 40 dollars to buy at a record show and you give them for free. So keep up the good work and the love for all types of rock music.

Anonymous said...

How dare miserable people keep on ungratefully commenting bad things on this blog.

It's jus as wonderful as entering a shop somewhere in the world, looking aroung, finding something you like, going to the shopkeeper and hearing him say :

It's all for free, folks !!!!

Does that happen in real life.

Just one more word : thanks for sharing all these magnificent boots !


Bcardi said...

Love your site man! Keep it up and I'll keep coming back!

LuckyStrike said...

I found this 3 day's ago and want to compliment you on building a very classy looking site. Hands down you beat WG Vault, or Bedazzled, or any others offering music. Great job, & your much appreciated, LS

JaPeR said...

The blog IS user friendly and fucking fantastic. Thanks and please keep up the extremely good work.

jayman said...

I think your doing a great job all hail to the tunzmaster and fuck what other people think love your bro jayman.

Anonymous said...

That last part about printing out the complaints and shoving them where the sun don't shine was hilarious!
Thanks for giving me a good laugh!
You easily have one of the best music sites anywhere.
One of the top 5 in my opinion.
Thanks for everything you do to make it happen.
You are THE man!

grant said...

free boots, nice ladies
, what is their to complain about, keep up the good work, what you do is appreciated and loved by many.
The time it must take to do it is mind boggling, you are a true music fan - and a top bloke


Tennesseefred said...

Sweet! Well said Dino!


Anonymous said...

Your site is the BEST ON THE WEB! Thanks so much for all you efforts.

Anonymous said...

Dino - you have an awesome, 1-of-a-kind site and it flat out rocks. I can only begin to imagine the man-hours that go into this site on a weekly basis. Thank you very much for everything you do. I check your site daily and often find stuff here first...which is why I check here daily. ;) Peace, brother!


Anonymous said...

Yer doin' a fine job, carry on.
And thank you.

mkcjrc said...

Well said..

xman51 said...

You've done a fantastic job here! Thanks so much for all you've freely shared!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dino. I don't say that enough. Gotten so much great music here. I can't believe some lazy sob's would complain, but I guess. Thanks for all you and the uploaders do. Much appreciated.


peskypesky said...

Dino rules!!

Anonymous said...

dino, don't sweat the dicks. your work is legendary. sitting here listening to the plant show from BBC and drinking a cold one outta your coozie. thanks again!


Anonymous said...

Ignore the idiots. They have nothing better to do than dump on those who are contributing to something positive. Try to remember that those of us who appreciate you are far greater in number. Keep up the extraordinary work.

Anonymous said...

Hey, hey ...WHO is messin' with Mr. D.? The guy who gave us so many fine concerts...just like that! Come on,
if you are a cheater you can visit the many trash-sites! This comunity rules! And biggest thanx to Mr. D.!!!

Anonymous said...

Dino your the best out there and dont forget it.

Anonymous said...

Add one more vote to the list of thanks for all that you offer and do. You're at the top of my list of bookmarks.
I'm with you - how do people have the nerve to complain about free stuff? They forget the power is in their hands - if you don't like it DON'T COME BACK!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the moany tossers Dino. It's the only way they can get people to talk to them. Great site, keep on rockin'. Sharpy1759